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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Put ‘em on notice! We’ll show you how Monday, Jan 17, at the Convention of States Town Hall in Macomb County

Published in Blog on January 11, 2022 by Julia Campbell

In 1956, social science researcher Albert Bilderman released a report detailing the psychological manipulation strategies employed by Korean communist soldiers to “elicit individual compliance” from American POWs. Number one on the list of torture techniques? Isolation. Make the prisoner feel so alone—so isolated from anyone sympathetic to his cause—that he loses all ability to resist.

Sound familiar? Social distancing. Self-isolation. Quarantine. Corrupt federal, state, and local policies are designed to make us feel isolated, to make us feel alone and disconnected from anyone sympathetic to our feelings of unease and outrage. A divided population, sitting alone in their houses and consuming hours and hours of media (but let’s be real propaganda), is a weakened population. But these policies are backfiring spectacularly—all over Michigan, citizens are coming together and self-organizing into grassroots Patriot movements. Even better, these movements are banding together, united by a common goal to defeat the “culture of corruption” plaguing our country.

Recently, five Michigan-based grassroots movements united under one banner: the Bronze Wall Alliance. The goal of this alliance is to bring all Patriot groups within individual Michigan counties together, weaving them “into a Fortified Bronze Wall, [where] they act as one unit, while still remaining autonomous.” Michigan Convention of States (MICOS), a member of this alliance, is holding a town hall event on Monday, January 17 at 6:30 pm. Held at Faith Baptist Church in Clinton Township, this event will feature MI COS volunteer Katie Jehl presenting about the Convention of State's organization and answering any questions you may have about the project, the petition, and how you can get involved.

Event Details
When: Monday, January 17
Time: 6:30–8:30pm
Where: Faith Baptist Church, 34950 Little Mack Ave, Clinton Township, MI 48035
Eventbrite, Facebook, MeWe

While this event is organized by Convention of states, representatives from other Macomb County Patriot groups will also be speaking and answering questions. We are excited to share the stage with 2A Patriot, Michigan Leadership Group, We The County, and Guardians of Freedom Michigan. You will hear from grassroots leaders, unite with like-minded Patriots, and learn about ways you can fight back against the tyranny overtaking our counties, our states, and our country. Specifically, Michael Smith, founder of We The County, will present on his initiative, Serving Notice. This seven-step method represents real action you can take to turn the tides of this culture war. And as Thomas Jefferson said, “a true Patriot will defend his country from its government.”

The repressive isolation strategies currently utilized by our governmental overlords are having a wonderful unintended consequence: citizens are more aware and more unified than ever. You are not alone in your frustration, your fear, and your righteous anger. We are all united in a single mission: to take back our county, our state, and our country.

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