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to call for a

Convention of States!


It's Our Job to Save the Constitution and the Republic

Published in Blog on June 21, 2021 by John Green

There is a great Article by Tom Weaver up on the American Free News Network. Although Mr. Weaver doesn’t mention Article V anywhere in his piece, it is nonetheless a compelling argument for a Convention. I encourage everyone to read the article.

Mr. Weaver points out that “We the People” and the words that follow in the preamble, bestow upon us the duty to maintain our republic. As the preamble makes clear, “We the People” are the United States of America and the power to govern it resides with us, not Washington DC. The Constitution is our pact to one another for civilized behavior, but it is also “We the People” telling our government how we expect it to operate.

But what can we do when the government forgets it works for us?

How can we fix a legislature that no longer represents us?

How can were rein in an executive branch that plays favorites and applies the laws selectively rather than equally?

How can we stop the courts from twisting laws to their vision via creative interpretation?

Sadly, all of these things are happening. When our government fails to operate within the constitutional framework, it’s time for us to take disciplinary action. Not the courts. Not the politicians. Certainly not the bureaucrats. It’s up to us, “We the People.”

It’s easy for the citizenry to feel powerless against the Federal Government. But a simple reading of the Constitution provides the answer. It is almost as if the founders were looking 230 years into the future when they drafted the Constitution. It gives us the right and the duty to take action. Article V gives us the power to do it.

It’s time to take back power with fiscal restraint, term limits, and limits on government overreach. It’s time to amend the Constitution and remind the government that “We the People” are the United States of America and they work for us.

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