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It’s déjà vu all over again!

Published in Blog on November 04, 2018 by Bill Parks

I don’t know about you but I’m getting kind of tired of hearing about a “Blue Wave” from the mainstream media.

Poll after poll are telling us that the Democrats are going to take back control of the House of Representatives and have a shot at also taking control of the Senate. While statistically, both of these outcomes are a possibility, for some reason I have my doubts.

The Democrats need to pick up 24 seats to regain control of the House out of a total of 28 that are in play, i.e. not solidly Democrat. The polls would have you believe that this is a “done deal”, and the Democrats are already plotting their revenge—led by the assumed to be new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, of course—while the media is already gleefully writing their “in your face” op-eds for Wednesday morning.

In the Senate, the Democrats only need to win two seats to take control, but even the media can’t put enough spin on the current poll results to make anyone believe that the once-touted “Blue Wave” is now anything more than a “Purple Ripple”, which at best would result in a 50-50 tie (leaving the Republicans in control since Vice-President Pence would cast the deciding vote), while the more likely outcome appears to be a “Red Blood Bath” with the Republicans picking up from two to five additional seats.

The problem with these polls is that they assume that ALL Democrats will cast their vote along strict party lines. Something tells me this is not going to be the case. I believe that the Democrats, along with the polls, have made four fatal flaws in their assumptions:

  1. There are many “middle of the road” Democrats who are not happy with the Democratic Party’s rapid shift to the far left, and will either not vote or will vote for a Republican.
  2. There are many black Democrats who are realizing that the Democrats have taken advantage of them for too long and no longer represent them (as if they ever did), and as above will either not vote or vote for a Republican.
  3. As evidenced by the #WalkAway and the Blexit movements, there are many Democrats that are so fed up with the direction of the Democratic Party that they are actually leaving the party and becoming Republicans or Independents.
  4. The polls have either ignored the Independents and undecided voters, which in many races exceed the margin of error in the polls, or have assumed that their votes will be split along current percentages and therefore will not affect the final outcome.

Don’t get me wrong. Although statistically a possibility, the odds of the Republicans retaining control of both the House and the Senate are not in their favor, and the more probable outcome is a split Congress with the Democrats controlling the House and the Republicans controlling the Senate.

That being said, I remember this time two years ago when the Democrats, the media, and the polls were all convinced that Hillary Clinton would be the new President of the United States and that Donald Trump didn’t have a “snowball’s chance in hell” of getting elected.

We all know how that turned out.

And since history has a way of repeating itself, especially when nothing has changed from the previous election, then maybe, just maybe, on Wednesday morning Republicans will wake up and say “It’s déjà vu all over again,” while Democrats and the media wipe egg off their face and search for a scapegoat to blame.

But as important as this election is to the future of our country, it is just one more example of just how low our Congressmen and Senators will go to stay in power or to regain power. 

The lies, the hatred, and the vitriol that has been expressed by both the Left and the Right, by both Democrats and the Republicans, over the past few months convinces me that we will never be able to fix the problems our country faces with elections.

And as different as the two parties would have you believe they are, as different as their agendas are, reality is that they are both very much the same in that their primary goal is power -- power to force their agendas on us whether we agree with them or not, power to control every aspect of our lives, power to enslave us to an overreaching federal government.

Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent, won't you join me and millions of other Americans in supporting a Convention of States and returning our government back to what our Founding Fathers intended -- a servant of We the People.

I called the last election correctly, missing by only two and half states (Colorado, Nevada and one-half of New Hampshire, which split its electoral votes).

My predictions for this election are as follows:

House: Too close to call and will at most be +/- 2 seats either way, but I will go out on a limb and predict that the Democrats fall short of winning back the House by one seat. If the Democrats do manage to win control of the House, Nancy Pelosi will not become Speaker due to lack of support by red state Democrats.

Senate: Republicans retain control of the Senate, picking up three and possibly four additional seats.

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