How many times have we heard Mark Meckler say it's all about relationships? Mark is undoubtedly the best relationship builder I have ever met. I have seen the effect of him meeting with a legislator in one of my districts. He did not focus on explaining Article V or COS; instead, they sat and discussed the importance of prayer and morality in our daily lives.
Mark and I attended high schools in the Los Angeles area nearly simultaneously. We did not know each other at the time. He in San Fernando Valley, I in South Central. We’ve been amazed by the quality of people from the era. Mark went to school with John Elway at Granada Hills High School and I with Daryl Strawberry in the Compton High area. You can say we came from different sides of the tracks.
Our sports heroes have faded and now our focus is less on the ability to throw a ball and more on character qualities.
We honor those who sacrificed so much in wars abroad and those who served in supporting them from back home. We honor those who keep diligent watch over our communities day and night. For all that you do, I thank you all.
Somehow, we rarely give enough admiration to the what unites us. Ironically, this brings us full circle. I’d like to add Mark Meckler to that Hall Of Fame.
I’ve been aware of COS for some time. I always thought it was a good idea, just never got involved. On November 4, 2020, I realized I was part of the problem. A few phone calls later, I knew that I needed to get involved. I went from volunteer to DC to RC in a relatively short matter of time. But this blog is not about me. It’s about our journey together.
I’ve met many people through COS. Tom Mattison is one of those people. Tom is an 86-year-old retired Marine whom I respect profoundly. Tom is involved in almost every community group here in Onslow County, and Tom has led me to speaking engagements at the Lion’s Club, Kiwanis, DAV, American Legion and many others. Now, I no longer ask where we are going, why, nor when. I just trust and go.
Nothing we have ever been through could have prepared me for tonight. Tom called me about 4pm. He simply said “I need you at 6pm at T&W’s in Carteret.” I immediately called the DC in Carteret County, but he was unable to make the event. I turned to my wife and asked if she was up to it. Thanks hun, she was in. We dropped what we were doing, got the grandbaby ready and away we went.
My wife, Rani, and I were surprised and humbled when we met up with Tom. Tom had invited us to a family dinner celebrating a member returning from Minnesota on their annual visit. Tom brought us into his family circle. All I could think of was Mark Meckler telling me, “It’s about building relationships.” I love the way COS brings us together. We are creating new bonds, from the streets of LA, to the Crystal Coast of Carolina, and in all the state legislatures in-between. Thank you, Mark, for setting the example.