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Is what we're going through real?

Published in Blog on October 11, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

Where am I? Have I just awoken to find myself in a twilight zone? Has the earth passed through what we thought was just another Northern Aurora but in reality, was a phenomenon in which the earth entered a Dysfunction Junction in time-space?

Hard as I try, I can not determine if I am in some strange dimension of the universe, or still on planet earth living in a place called the United States of America. I do not recognize or understand what I am seeing and hearing all around me.

Wherever I am, it is not the place where I grew up, the place where a group of brave men we referred to as our Founding Fathers. These men created a document we called the Constitution of the United States which granted every citizen our God-given right to the Blessings of Liberty.

Rather, in this alternative world I find myself living in a place where the President, who should be the most powerful person in this world, is a feeble, cognitively impaired old man being controlled by people bound and determined to transform the greatest Constitutional Republic in the world into a third world communist country.

Am I in a nightmare from which I cannot awaken, or is it possible that where I find myself is real? What is it I see and hear which can define my truth?

I see a feeble old man occupying the position of President. His name is Joe Biden. He is a man clearly not mentally capable of carrying out the functions of this position. Who then is manipulating this old man in the background? Even in this nightmare I cannot seem to know.

What I do know is that this man is being directed by unknown people in the darkest shadows of life, to commit acts against the Constitution, laws, and the citizens of this country.

In this nightmare, this man named Joe Biden has an Attorney General named Merrick Garland, a man so evil I cannot fathom that I am not in a nightmare.

Together they are systematically attacking, intimidating, and destroying the lives of American citizens. Citizens referred to as conservatives or MAGA followers of a previous president, Donald Trump, who was a hindrance to the administrative state.

These two men and their handlers have made it clear to every conservative in this country, to every MAGA follower, to every parent of school children who dares to confront any school board regarding the teaching of critical race theory or inappropriate sexual materials, and to every citizen who owns a weapon, that they are domestic terrorist.

These citizens are clearly warned that they will be hunted down, intimidated, harassed, and publicly humiliated because they are the greatest threat to America.

It is not the potential terrorists from the Middle East coming over our open boarder, not the potential terrorists flown out of Afghanistan to America, not the Black Lives Matter movement or Antifa who have murdered police officers and citizens, burned down small businesses and police stations across our country, not the fentanyl smuggled across our open boarder killing tens of thousands of our young children and young adults.

It is “We the People” who refuse to conform to their radical transition into a communist nation under the dictatorship of a communist agenda.

This man calling himself the President has no problem turning the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation against his political rivals.

He has provided funding to the U.S. Postal Service, not to improve mail delivery service but rather to establish a new unit to spy on American citizens.

He has provided additional funding and authorization to the Internal Revenue Service for an additional 80,000 personnel, willing to carry firearms and shoot American Citizens. It is clear that this agency is being turned into a Gestapo unit for the purpose of hunting down American citizens unwilling to conform to what the elites dictate.

And we can be reasonably certain that virtually every other federal agency is also being weaponized into an army against its own citizens.

Meanwhile violent criminals lay waste to our communities while the immense power of the state is arrayed against those whose only crime is dissent. We have become a country who are imprisoning citizens for political views that do not fit their narrative. The law has been turned from a shield to protect the innocent into a sword to conquer us.

This pretender in the White House’s eradication of our borders means this country is no longer a Republic, and he has ended 250 years of constitutional government turning our once Constitutional Republic into nothing more than an extension of Central America and beyond. All the while, the media is silent.

This pretender has spiraled this once prosperous, safe and free nation into one of historical deterioration. Bringing about high crime rates, high inflation, unaffordable gas and food prices, dependency on foreign countries for energy supplies, and control of the citizens through unconstitutional mandates, leading to the dissemination of our military forces and business.

Our citizens have been pushed into a world of unemployment, welfare, and need for financial and housing assistance from the government. Dependency equals control.

In my nightmare, I can feel the heroic work that has been done by Mark Meckler and his team of leaders with the Convention of States movement. These leaders have worked so hard to bring about a Convention of States to rein in the tyrants trying to destroy our Republic.

I hope and pray that I wake up on November 9 and this nightmare has been just that, a nightmare.

For the long-term future of America, we must turn things around by using Article V to call for a Convention of States. 


L.E. Cossette

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