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Is there a cure for chaos?

Published in Solution on September 29, 2023 by Gary Harbaugh

We are living in a world that is descending down into chaos. Many people with influence use their influence to promote division and divisive ideas. The most fundamental aspect of human identity, that is, our gender is called into question. Our collective identity as a country is attacked for its imperfections as though perfection were possible. Our history is decried our, our monuments discredited if not destroyed, and our founders dismissed.

Right and wrong are become cloudy concepts. The law is used as a weapon against some while rioting, looting and theft are mostly ignored. The idea of the traditional nuclear family as the key building block of a healthy society has been nearly washed away. Is there even one of the Ten Commandments that our culture holds dear?

To believe we can continue to be free as we descend into chaos, distrust, crime, confusion, disease, distress, anxiety, shortages, and inflation, all while being shepherded by a government that seems to work only for the class of donors, is to believe in that which never has been nor ever will be.

Though I believe government can again become an instrument of good and Article V is the only pathway to that destination, it seems to me likewise that only our submission to the God who created order from that which was formless and void can truly cure this chaos. His words are life to those who find them and healing to all their flesh.

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