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Convention of States!


Is Maryland Truly the Free State?

Published in Blog on June 16, 2024 by Steve Shapero

You may recall the disgruntled nature of parents who were not happy with how math was being taught.  We heard complaints like, “Whatever happened to memorizing multiplication tables?” or “They’re trying to teach my kid a new way to do long division and I couldn’t make sense of it!”  

But today’s curriculum battles are upsetting parents more than just how the three R’s (reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic for you Millennials) are being taught.  No, today some school systems want to have control over your child’s exposure to such topics as transgenderism, the LGBTQ movement, and things we never thought were appropriate to discuss in class.  

I mean honestly, whatever happened to the idea that such topics should be confined to the home with parents at the helm where matters of sexual behavior are concerned?  Can you even imagine this discussion in the classroom when you were in school?
In Montgomery County, Maryland, parents were told their children, who attend its public schools, may not opt out of classes that teach transgenderism or the materials they are exposed to that champion gay pride parades and other LGBTQ materials. Nor can parents expect to be notified when these sexual ideologies are being presented, all this according to an article which appeared in the National Catholic Register.  And this is not just an affront to Catholic families, but to those of other faiths as well.  According to the article, Catholics, Muslims and Ethiopian Orthodox Christians are banding together to challenge the Montgomery County School System, employing the services of Becket Law, a legal advocacy group.  
Let’s roll back to the year 1620 when George Calvert set a path to the New World with his comrades in order to practice Catholicism.  Catholics in 15th Century England did not enjoy the same privileges as Protestants, who were members of the Church of England and able to hold high positions in the King’s court.  While on a visit to the colony of Jamestown, Virginia, George Calvert and his companions were directed to the Chesapeake Bay due north to what would later become the Maryland Colony. It was in Saint Mary’s City, Maryland, that the first Catholic church was built in an English colony allowing these settlers to practice their faith in a manner that suited them.  
While George Calvert’s colonists would not recognize the acronym LGBTQ today, they might empathize with today’s Montgomery County parents who were told they have no right to be informed of their children’s curriculum or the ability to opt out.  For the sake of the minority of those who might associate with the LGBTQ agenda, the majority of parents are forced to embrace this policy.  And it’s happening here today, in Maryland, where religious freedom began.  

While some might point out that religious freedom was the issue in Calvert’s day, and the Montgomery County parents are dealing with parental rights, I believe the two are comparable since Montgomery County is forcing parents to choose between their faith and the ability to keep their children in Montgomery County public schools. 
If you think government control has not yet found a way to intrude on your individual rights, it has already made inroads into your life – through exorbitant taxes, through regulations that impede your business or your rights as a citizen, through lawfare against candidates you may vote for, and through many abuses of our Constitution.
Convention of States (COS) advocates for imposing limits on Federal Overreach, government gone out of control, term limits on Congress, federal judges, and unelected bureaucrats who run our country, and government spending like drunken sailors.  

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