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Is America the next Venezuela?

Published in Blog on September 22, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

Under the scenario our Representatives are leading us into, our country will be transitioned into a socialist-communist country within two years, if not sooner. Our Constitution will be totally ignored, or most likely abolished.

As many others, I am becoming increasingly frustrated and angered at the lack of interest and participation in our election process by our citizens. 

A process which is every citizen’s obligation and responsibility to fully participate in, including volunteering as poll watchers, poll workers or poll greeters. 

A process which is the most precious and crucial role each one of us can participate in to keep our Constitutional Republic. 

Equally disturbing is the lack of courage and backbone of our elected officials at all levels of government, but in particular at the federal level.

Either these people are extraordinarily naïve, or are so addicted to the power, influence, and money available to them in their positions, that they are willing to sacrifice their constituent’s God-given rights as enumerated in our Constitution.

On September 20, I had the opportunity to meet and hear an individual by the name of Omar Lugo speak. Omar grew up in Venezuela during the period that his country transitioned from a Constitutional Republic patterned after our country into a socialist-communist government.

During the collapse of Venezuela’s constitutional government, his father, who was a diplomat under that constitutional government, was shot twice in front of his home. 

Shot by thugs exactly like Antifa and Black Live Maters, who were being used to intimidate and eliminate nonconformists. Fortunately, he survived. 

At the age of twelve, Chavez and his followers had totally transformed Venezuela into a socialist-communist country. A country with a collapsed economy, double-digit inflation, out-of-control crime, destructive riots, and full flung anarchy.

At this age and time, Omar was kidnapped for ransom, but like his father, was very fortunate to have come out of that situation with his life. 

Was anyone ever prosecuted for his kidnapping? No, because the country no longer had a legal system that protected its citizens – only the elite.

Having suffered through that transition, Omar made his way to the United States at the age of 19 in 1999, where he believed he would find safety and security under a truly constitutional government.

When Omar was 33, he learned that his father had died of poisoning, most probably by the socialist-communist government because he refused to conform to the demands of this new government.

He shared with us the steps and processes Venezuela went through in their transition from a free constitutional government into a socialist-communist country.

He advised the audience that what he had lived through in Venezuela and was now seeing occur in the United States compelled him to speak at every opportunity possible, to try and warn anyone who will listen, that our country is rapidly traveling down that exact road.

It does not matter whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, member of COS or any other patriotic American group or organization. If “We the People” do not put our differences aside at this very moment, then come November 9th, it will be too late for our constitutional government.

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