Americans are irate and disgusted with Washington, D.C., and polls show congressional disapproval at more than 60% (Reuters/Ipsos and Economist/YouGov).
Americans across party lines feel that our system of checks and balances has become dysfunctional, with unelected bureaucrats and lobbyists wielding too much power.
More than three million Americans now support a Convention of States to reorganize the power structure in Washington, D.C., and preserve liberty.
The public is invited to a free nonpartisan presentation about the Convention of States on Monday, July 2, in Escondido, CA. Everyone in attendance will receive Convention of States handouts and a progress report.
WHO: Fred Yerrick, Volunteer District Captain & U.S. Army retiree
WHAT: Convention of States – “A Solution as Big as the Problem”
DATE: Monday, July 2nd, 2018
TIME: 5:30 PM to Meet, Greet & Eat. Meeting from 6 PM to 7 PM
WHERE: Mike's BBQ, 1356 W Valley Pkwy, Escondido, CA 92029
Article V of the United States Constitution empowers the states to call a convention to propose amendments. The Convention of States resolution is limited to reining in federal government, imposing fiscal restraints, and setting term limits for Congress and federal officials, such as judges.
To learn more, please browse our website at You can also contact Fred Yerrick at 858-722-3841 of