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In the news: Hysteria over ‘Convention of States’ strikes in Virginia

Published in Blog on July 16, 2017 by Rita Peters

Last week, Virginia legislative sponsors quietly withdrew their hotly-debated resolutions calling for a constitutional amendment-proposing convention. If passed, these resolutions would have made Virginia the fourth state to request a meeting under Article 5 to consider proposals for restraining federal power and restoring power to the states.

Inside reports indicated that the effort had garnered enough support to ensure passage in the House, but that it would fail by a single vote in the Senate. The patrons thus withdrew the resolutions to preclude a fruitless, controversial vote.

Unfortunately, this wise strategy decision will likely reinforce the fear-and-smear tactics of a fringe group that has worked itself into a frenzy over hypothetical doomsday scenarios. Not even the text of the Constitution itself—requiring ratification by 38 states before amendment proposals can take effect—can convince them that a meeting of state representatives to limit federal power won’t end with a repeal of the Bill of Rights.

Conspiracy theories have been a prominent feature in the playbook of these Article 5 naysayers. Ultra-conservative state Sen. Dick Black, one of the two Republicans who intended to side with Democrats to defeat Virginia’s Senate resolution, sent an e-mail circulating rumors that George Soros and over 100 liberal groups, including Occupy Wall Street, were the ones “pushing for” the Convention of States Project.

While those parties may be advocating an Article 5 convention to achieve other goals (i.e., overturning Citizens United), the suggestion that they support the Virginia effort for a convention to limit federal power is patently false. They don’t support it because, unlike the naysayers, they know that they can’t use an Article 5 convention to accomplish purposes opposite to those stated in the application (restraining federal power).

It’s curious that the public doesn’t see past the conspiracy theories. After all, the very reason the effort has stalled out in Virginia is because it hasn’t yet mustered a single Senate Democrat to support it.

Advocates hope that will soon change, however. They believe that such common-sense amendments as limiting congressional spending power and imposing checks on the federal courts will appeal to Americans in both parties who support our original federal structure.

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