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Convention of States!


HUGE Announcement from Mark Meckler and Rick Green

Published in Blog on July 05, 2024 by Article V Patriot

Convention of States and Patriot Academy have teamed up to equip ordinary citizens to restore an extraordinary nation!

Patriot Academy’s Biblical Citizenship class aims to restore a Judeo-Christian understanding of what it means to be a responsible, self-governing American. Rooted in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the deep and abiding religious fervor of the Founding Era, this training offers a unique perspective on how people of faith can catalyze a political revival in America.

From July 15, 2024, to September 2, we cordially invite you to join a national virtual class hosted by Convention of States President Mark Meckler and America’s Constitution Coach Rick Green. Actor, author, and COS endorser Kirk Cameron will also be joining us on July 15 for an exclusive Q&A session. Drawing from historical, constitutional, and biblical perspectives, these men will guide you through the rich American tradition of grassroots advocacy, love of country, and civic duty.

“No free government, or the blessings of liberty can be preserved to any people, but by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles,” proclaimed Founding Father George Mason. To ensure that freedom is passed down to the next generation, we must familiarize ourselves with the timeless principles of liberty and embrace our roles as biblical citizens.

Join Mark Meckler, Rick Green, and patriots from around the country each Monday evening for this popular, empowering class. Click here to get started, and watch the video below to learn more!

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