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to call for a

Convention of States!


How to approach a bias mainstream media with a nonpartisan message of Article V

Published in Blog on January 17, 2021 by Grant Williams

It's more than obvious that the news media has a political bias. I, myself, have been a "victim" to censorship.

Fine. It's a private entity's constitutional right to write its own policies. That's how it should be, and I shall not complain upon it. In fact I'd give my life for any individual's right to not be controlled or micro-managed by our government or even the opinion of the masses to an extent.

Nevertheless, the political bias of the mass media remains as a stark reminder for American patriots to be strategic in their means of communication. In order to achieve the application for an Article V convention to be passed in state legislation, we need to consider the journey over the destination. It's certainly critical to be as nonpartisan and pro-Constitution as one can.

We get there by garnering the support of our neighbors, friends, and family, regardless of party lines

Even more importantly, showing dignity, respect, and self-control in our messaging will enable opposing legislatures to not be so quick to blow this off. I recently traced a quote that is usually credited to Will Rogers, but it originally came from a football player in the 1920s named Walter Trumbull:

"Diplomacy frequently consists in soothingly saying, 'Nice doggie,' until you have a chance to pick up a rock."

This simply illustrates that we don't have to fight ideologies on the way to where we're going. The Convention of States is where the fight happens, and the result of that fight is the amendments proposed.

You better believe the "other side" will bring that fight to the table. So be prepared. It's an opportunity for the states to gather and discuss the issues through the due process of the Constitution, which is exactly what this country needs.

The pen is far mightier than the sword. Here's a template of what you can send to your local newspaper's editor. Godspeed, patriots. Let's take the states to a convention as fast as we can and deal with our family issues the way our forefathers would have wanted us to. 

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