URGENT! The legislative session begins January 8, 2025. Your help will be crucial in the coming weeks.
Your newly elected State Representative is Ryan Gonzalez in House District 50. Please congratulate him on his victory and thank Rep-elect Gonzalez for completing the COS survey and answering yes, that he would vote in favor of an Article V convention.
Please help Colorado by doing 1, 2, 3 or all 4 of these:
1) Mail a hand written note to him at PO BOX 324 FORT LUPTON, CO 80621
2) Call him at 970-673-2194
3) Text a brief message to 970-673-2194
Other suggested talking points: (Remember to be kind and respectful)
Let him know you are his constituent, a voter in his district.
Thank him for his willingness to serve Colorado.
The economic survival of the United States is at stake.
His leadership is needed in support of Convention of States
An Article V convention provides the only real opportunity to restore the original intent of the constitution by proposing amendments to the U S Constitution in 3 areas:
- Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government
- Impose fiscal restraints, and
- Place term limits on federal officials.
State legislators have the power to restrain the federal government - it's time to use it.