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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Hammond, Louisiana Air Show 2023

Published in Blog on October 27, 2023 by David Landry

What a beautiful day!

The promoters of the Hammond Air Show in Louisiana should be applauded for their attention to the many details involved. There were adequate trash cans distributed throughout the grounds and people hired to pick up the random pieces of litter. They continually roamed the airport grounds looking for litter.

I overheard one gentleman ask, “Are they taking their trash home?”

Not once did I see an overflowing trash can. There were men with carts emptying them.

This pristine environment and the great food vendors made it easy to relax and enjoy the tremendous aerobatics on display.

Quite a few people were wearing patriotic clothing as they enjoyed the day’s events, and each patriotically clad participant who ventured past our table enthusiastically signed our petition.

COS was blessed to have Susan Ooms (DC LA-HD 86) with her excellent organizing skills, arrange and lead our petition signing table. Our COS Louisiana State Director, Julie Sandifer, also joined the team on Saturday.

We aimed to introduce attendees of the air show to the goals and objectives of Convention of States Action and collect petition signatures from as many of our local patriots as possible.

We would share with them the function of Article V and how the convention option for amending the US Constitution gives the people the ability to recapture control of our government. They often agreed that our Federal government is overreaching its constitutional authority and spending too much of our money, with its officials remaining in office for far too long. 

Our efforts were often rewarded with petition signatures.

There were a number of visitors from neighboring states, some from as far away as California, who enthusiastically joined our efforts to right the errant ship that is American Federal Government.

The Saturday and Sunday event, with 12 COS Volunteer Activists manning the booth, gathered a total of 303 signed petitions.

78 of those patriots also checked a box on the petition acknowledging a willingness to volunteer their time and talents for our cause.

Special thanks are due to our US military who supplied aircraft for us to enjoy.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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