When Mark Meckler launched Convention of States Foundation ten years ago, he never could have imagined where the fight for freedom would take him—where it would take the nation.
One decade later, Meckler would find himself in Colonial Williamsburg with over 100 state commissioners representing 49 states, gathered for the historic Simulated Article V Convention, a testimony to the profound success of the grassroots army.
“I want to start,” Meckler said live from the Convention, “when I talk about the grassroots and their importance to the movement, to talk about how important the grassroots are to America generally. If you look at the entire scope of the history of America, it’s a grassroots country. It was founded by regular people—farmers, merchants, doctors, lawyers—kind of just everybody got together, in a self-governing way, and founded this country and then fought for this country.”
“When we think about the history of the country,” he continued, “we tend to think about Washington and Adams and Madison—if we’re thinking about the founding period—the big names in American history. But those are not really the people who made the country,” he contended. “There are millions and millions of people who made this country and make it what it is today.”
SEE ALSO: ‘Washington is watching’: Meckler, Farris, Santorum respond to amendments passed out of simulation
“To me, who I honor and who I love and why I do this is because of the grassroots. Traveling the country as much as I do, I know that greatness is still out there. I know that genius is still out there. This movement, specifically, wouldn’t exist without them. At this point, we’ve had over 5.3 million people involved in the movement; we’re pushing toward two and a half million petitions being signed…. This is for the grassroots and because of the grassroots. Everything we do is for them, but it can’t happen without them.”
The millions of patriots who have nobly advanced the Article V solution thus far should take great pride in watching this week’s historic happenings. The 2023 Simulated Article V Convention only happened, in part, because of you—and millions of patriots like you.
As stirring as this week has been, imagine how much more impactful the first-ever actual convention will be when you watch your years of dedication and hard work pay off—when you know that you—yes, you personally—helped change history and preserve freedom for future generations.
'Greatness is still out there': Mark Meckler applauds grassroots at simulated convention
Published in Blog on August 04, 2023 by Jakob Fay