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Grassroots Event GAVE Volunteers Fresh Fire for Article V

Published in Blog Parent Page Process on October 03, 2024 by Mary Hebert

Arriving at the Patriot Academy campus in Fredericksburg, Texas on Tuesday, Sept. 17, two women from Orange County, California, both grassroots volunteers for Convention of States in the once-golden state, were about to participate in the Grassroots Article V Experience put together by Convention of States (COS) and Patriot Academy. The three-day event would give them and other volunteers from the fifty states, an incredible opportunity to represent their home states as servant leaders, Commissioners, at a simulated Article V convention of the states.

Day 1: Face to Face with Fellow Article V Patriots

After a two-day drive through AZ, NM and half of TX, the women, COS CA Grassroots Coordinator and District Captain Mary Hebert and COS State Media Liaison Debra Oresko, felt high on life, having shared countless meaningful conversations over the journey. Now striding toward the double wood doors on what looked like a giant barndominium, the volunteers' hearts pounded with anticipation. Opening the doors, their senses were captured by country music beats, fragrances of wood stain and barbecue, and the visual realization that the huge room was a replica of the Texas State Legislative Chamber! The sea of identical desks, arrayed in rows, each held a sign with the state flags and names of each expected participant. It was spectacular!

At the head of the room on a raised platform stood a beautiful wood lectern labeled, "President," from which Convention President would preside. To the right of the dais they spotted their state flag with its bold red stripes, the brown grizzly bear and their names in black capital letters. The grizzly signifies strength and independence. These qualities, now rising in their hearts, would ignite their souls in the hours and days ahead. 

The first day's evening events included everyone dining together and gathering in the chamber to learn the rules and procedures to be employed over the next two days. Proposals submitted earlier in the month by volunteers from the states, were selected for debate on the basis of three essential criteria: wisdom, germaneness and ratifiability. Volunteers whose proposals were selected, would present the proposals in committee and in the general session on day three. Other proposals selected for inclusion in the simulation were made available for volunteers to adopt and present.

Day 2: Col. George Mason Abides in the Heart of Article V

After breakfast in the dining room, we gathered in the chamber for a stirring speech by actor Garry Nation, portraying Col. George Mason, author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776 who was one of the three delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 who refused to sign the document, standing for inclusion of the bill of rights into the Constitution.

According to Wikipedia

He also wanted an immediate end to the slave trade and a supermajority requirement for navigation acts, fearing that restrictions on shipping might harm Virginia. He failed to attain these objectives in Philadelphia and later at the Virginia Ratifying Convention of 1788. But his prominent fight for a bill of rights led fellow Virginian James Madison to introduce the same during the First Congress in 1789; these amendments were ratified in 1791, a year before Mason died.

According to the National Archives (NARA)

The Virginia Declaration of Rights was the first constitutional affirmation by a North American government that citizens have rights that the government cannot infringe upon or take away.

Mason’s belief in the freedoms of speech, of religion, and of assembly became the cornerstone of not only our Bill of Rights but our society’s conception of what having rights means in America

With the GAVE participants as his audience, this Col. George Mason, spoke about his effort to strengthen Article V of the Constitution. He argued at the Constitutional Convention for the states, not Congress alone, to have the power to amend the Constitution. Those men were so moved in agreement with the Colonel they voted in favor of the motion without contest. 

Inspired by Mason's zeal, the commissioners got to work in their committees to present and edit their proposals. It was essential that parliamentary procedures were followed. Hands were raised and once recognized by the Committee Chair, commissioners expressed their concerns and ideas. Cooperation was the overarching spirit.

The volunteers' chief aim was to draft proposals that solved pressing problems with minimal risk for misapplication of intent. Proposals must be effective to limit the scope, power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

As CA Grassroots Coordinator, Mary speaks with Californians who wonder if an Article V convention of states, which has never happened, could be done by people alive today. The big question often posed is, "Are the people smart enough, trustworthy enough, to have this authority, to use the Constitution to save the Constitution?"

"They want to know, "how would an interstate convention be run? What would the rules be, etc.," she said.

"To argue against this reasoning and show that an Article V convention can happen, Convention of States Action has already conducted two mock conventions with state legislatures. GAVE was the third mock convention, the first with the grassroots going through the process," she stated.

Day 3: Their Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor Pledged

An actor portraying Benjamin Franklin opened the Plenary Session with aplomb.

Darren York, the actor who portrayed Franklin, prior to speaking placed scrolled biographies of his character on each desk. Among the amazing facts about Benjamin Franklin was that, at the age of 11, he invented swim fins; at the age of 16, he became a published author. Rapt attention held the room in eagerness to learn from this legendary fellow patriot. 

Transcendence fell on the assembly when Franklin declared, "Article V is the most important document in the Constitution." History was in the making.

Dressed in professional attire, all attendees were prepared and ready for a day of official proceedings. The Convention President and several clerks were on hand to conduct and record the session. Any nervousness among the grassroots volunteers was overtaken by excitement.

Convention President, Rick Green, Founder and President of Patriot Academy, pounded the gavel and called the convention to order. The Pledge of Allegiance followed then the first proposal was called to the floor. Although many of the attendees were new to Robert's Rules of Order, the Convention President lead the assembly like a Constitution Coach, adding wit and joy to the proceedings as the volunteers learned to debate using the process. 

Mary recalled, “Even though we were all volunteers and/or supporters of COS, there were still differences among us [the commissioners]. We had to learn how to understand someone else's reservations, how to argue for our view, or to compromise to answer someone else's concerns.”

"Going through this process showed us we are capable of fulfilling this call. It isn't something that only lawyers or elected leaders can understand and perform. We, the people, are capable," Mary declared. 

Convention of States Action is working to achieve the 2/3rds threshold (34 states) for Congress to call a convention of the states. So far 19 state legislatures have applied to meet for the singular purpose of reining in the scope, power and jurisdiction of the federal government. Proposals for term limits, fiscal restraints or curtailing the federal bureaucracy could be discussed. Any proposals that come out of the Article V convention would have to be ratified by 3/4ths (38) states be become an Amendment to the Constitution. 

 As President Dwight D. Eisenhower said,

The people can demand and participate in Article V conventions in which they can through their own action adopt such amendments as will reverse any trends they see as fatal to true representative government...Godspeed. 

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