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Convention of States!

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Grassroots can make a difference

Published in Blog on February 11, 2021 by William R Pacey

One month ago, in the middle of one of the busiest months for follow ups here in Michigan, we moved from having the follow up team members complete follow ups to having District Captains and Regional Captains do follow ups. We disbanded the follow up team.  The reason we did this was many of the people that wanted to volunteer were getting lost in the follow up process.

With most of our DC’s working full time we were concerned whether they would be able to handle the extra responsibility. Could part time volunteers follow up on all the new petition signers and volunteers we were getting? 

What a team.  Not only did they handle the responsibility, but they went above and beyond and helped process the new volunteers. 

The can-do spirit of the America Patriot is alive and well in Michigan.  The district captains have outshined themselves and are reaching and building the grassroots army in Michigan at record levels.

We have struggled getting our Resolution passed, but with the district Captains leading the charge I believe we can make a difference, and this legislative year 2021-2022 we will get the job done.

Congratulations DC’s and RC’s you are making a difference! Maybe the media will not notice you, maybe you will continue to volunteer without being thanked,  But you are the people that when Mark Meckler started Convention of states, He new was out there. 

It is not an easy job and many of you may never see the result of your labor, but your kids and grandchildren will know that you were the patriots that carried the flag and the message of the founding Fathers to Keep America a Free Republic.

May God Bless you and continue you to give you the passion to fight the fight He has called you to.

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