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to call for a

Convention of States!


Go For The Gold!

Published in Blog on February 08, 2022 by Deborah Efurd

This month is “gold” season. The Beijing Olympics are upon us, followed closely by the Superbowl.

I have always been in awe of athletes -- the “best of the best” -- from each country and each football team. Their vision, dedication, and tenacity in pursuit of their dream of winning inspires me. Oh, how I wish I had that perseverance and tenacity in training.

An athlete of that caliber has an overwhelming desire to be the best.  They train seven days a week, year after year, overcoming every physical restraint. They don’t listen to naysayers… they obey their vision of being the best.  

I look at an athlete in much the same manner as a volunteer with Convention of States. Every volunteer has a vision and desire to save our beloved country from destruction of big-government politics. We work as a team tirelessly using our God-given gifts to support the goal and mission of Convention of States to form the largest grassroots organization in America in support of the goal of calling an Article V Convention of States.

Just like an athlete in training, volunteers push each and every day, to work in our communities and states protecting our rights as American citizens, protecting our families and property, while holding those in elected positions accountable. We embrace the Constitution as originally intended, not as politicians have misinterpreted over many decades.

I believe Convention of States volunteers are much like athletes: (1) we never give up; (2) we have a support team surrounding us; and (3) every effort by each volunteer matters. A race is not always won by the swiftest, but by the most determined.

These three points describe the Convention of States Project. Volunteers are constantly encouraged to stay the course, given help whenever needed, and appreciated at every level. While the goal of Convention of States is to get enough states passed to call an Article V Convention, our mission, which is even more important, is to grow the largest army of self-governing citizens in history, who continue to work in each of their respective states to strengthen state legislatures and hold them accountable. If we stop working toward that mission after a state has passed its Article V Resolution, then we have given up on the race before crossing the finish line.

Samuel Adams once said, “If ever the time should come, when vain & aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

Friends, we are in a fight to turn this country around and that fight is for the long haul. It takes grit, determination and perseverance, just like an Olympian or Superbowl athlete. I believe our country is worth all we have to offer.  We must never give up … we must persevere … we must go for the gold!

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