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to call for a

Convention of States!


Get Off That Seesaw!

Published in Blog on July 02, 2021 by Deborah Efurd

After the November 2020 election, I was in a stupor. Like a lot of people, I knew this country was heading downhill fast. It took me weeks to settle in and make a personal decision where I could best place my talents to help this country I love so much.

Then I had an epiphany of sorts -- I realized I had been on a political seesaw most of my life.  I’m not referring to how I’ve voted since I’m a social and fiscal conservative, but that I have been relying on party politics to tell me what to do. I was a robot.  After I woke up, I was ready to jump off that seesaw -- with both feet – and I’ve been running ever since.

I ran toward the Convention of States Project for several reasons.  I learned that when one party or another gains power, the executive orders start flying out the door being spit out faster than a cat on a hot tin roof. Those sheets of paper have enough power to last maybe 4-8 years at the most, then another set of executive orders are spewed by the next administration cancelling out the former. Back and forth, just like a seesaw, with nothing lasting longer than a few years.

The Article V constitutional amendment process, however, provided by our Founding Fathers, has lasting effect – for generation after generation after generation. The COS application process calling for an Article V Convention of States allows for long-lasting amendments to be ratified by states which provide the foundational structure that’s so desperately needed to reel this behemoth runaway government into control while helping to put a stop to career politicians. It’s not a quick, simple process, but intentionally designed so we get it right for We the People.

And did I mention spending? Another reason to escape the seesaw is the out-of-control spending each administration, as well as Congress, adds to our national debt. I read an article just this week that says we are headed for bankruptcy within three generations. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened sooner.

Eliminating my “political seesaw” happened as I compared Convention of States Project to other organizations who talked the talk, but failed to walk the walk. Many rely on one or two so-called “experts” in constitutional law. Once I took a deeper dive to learn more about these organizations and their so-called “experts,” I soon learned their experts was just a “has been (‘ex’)” and a “drip under pressure (‘pert’).” They tell you why an Article V Convention won’t work, but they revert back to party politics and why you should donate to their organization.

Not so with the COS Project, where a plethora of leading constitutional scholars, historians, governors, state and federal legislators, theologians, and commentators from a broad spectrum support this project and say the COS process is our best path to saving our country. I put my confidence and trust in these leaders who support the COS Project.

I love that the more I’m involved with the COS organization and culture, I’m becoming more confident in my leadership and decision-making skills. For me to self-govern and exercise my citizen duties, education is key. Gratefully, COS provides tools for me to accomplish that in the public square locally, state-wide and on the federal level. I no longer sit back and wait to be told what to do--I ask, seek and knock on the doors myself.

With Convention of States I have a renewed appreciation of the God-given wisdom bestowed on our Founders. These were men who listened to Divine Guidance. Let’s honor that and rely on their solution placed in the Constitution.

So join me in getting off your political seesaw and join forces with the largest self-governing army of patriots this country has ever seen. Let’s get the job done with an Article V Convention of States and begin working toward that goal today!

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