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Convention of States!


Game on for Richmond gun show patrons

Published in Blog on June 01, 2018 by Warren Wheeler

On May 19-20, Convention of States volunteers at a Richmond gun show talked to more than 600 firearms enthusiasts and gathered 118 newly committed fighters for the cause of reining in the federal government.

Prominent among those actively engaged were State Senator Amanda Chase, and GOP candidate for U.S. Congress (4th District), Ryan McAdams.

Senator Chase’s 11th Senate district includes areas south and west of Richmond. She remains uncommitted to ending the federal government’s abuses and fiscal irresponsibility, so please contact her and explain how she’s failing her constituents.

Candidate McAdams, on the other hand, signed our COS petition. Apparently, he understands the importance of regaining control over the federal government better than most state-level elected officials, including Senator Chase.

Special thanks to Regional Captain Russ Beyer, Coalitions Director Jean Nedrow, District Captain Matt Weeks, and volunteers Sandra Kerr and Don Grubb, who were responsible for organizing the effort and keeping the COS booth manned throughout the weekend.

State Senator Amanda Chase talks to COS volunteers
(L-R) State Senator Amanda Chase, District Captain Matt Weeks, Coalitions Director Jean Nedrow, volunteer Sandra Kerr (back to camera).

Want to do more? We need people to step-up to be District Captains. District Captains are critical of our organization—the center of gravity of our volunteer team. They help coordinate the activities of the volunteers in their House of Delegates district in order to effectively influence their state legislators. We have several vacancies that need filling. Apply today.


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