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Convention of States!


From Socialist to Conservative

Published in Blog on July 13, 2021 by Deborah Efurd

Convention of States Texas Senate District 1 recently held its monthly meeting in Longview. Attendees came eager to learn more from our guest speaker Ann Rhea Hinds, director of the Walkaway Texas Movement.

Regional Captain Susan Hamilton hosted the meeting. After welcoming the crowd, she gave a brief introduction about Convention of States, its history, and where we are today with respect to an Article V convention.

John van Compernolle (Regional Captain of SD3 and District Captain of HD8) updated everyone on the Texas Special Session with respect to election integrity. This is a critical issue to Texans and is being hotly debated on the House floor. John encouraged everyone to write or call their state representatives to urge them to support HB3 and SB1 and to look for future calls to action issued from our Facebook page.

The special guest speaker for the day was Ann Rhea Hinds. Attendees were enthralled as she shared her experiences as a liberal and what it took for her to walk away toward conservatism.  

Ann described how she felt abandoned by the socialist agenda being propagated because it no longer represented her core values. She realized she was more conservative than she realized.

Socialism in America started in 1926 in California through their welfare system and has gotten progressively worse ever since. Then, in the 1960s, President Johnson’s War on Poverty and the Great Society started doling out benefits to the black population from federal resources, entitling the black population.

They were being held “hostage” at a lower level with no hope of succeeding or moving out of poverty. The government essentially started practicing systemic racism, another form of slavery, demolishing the black culture. Additional welfare benefits were paid for each additional child, with increased stipends for a fatherless household. Low-income housing was paid by the federal government with no requirement to work. Meanwhile, the welfare rolls grew as more people became entitled.

Today, liberals use education against our young children with critical race theory, sex and abortion education, and transgender issues to further control the population. Abortion clinics are located more in predominately black communities than any other areas which increases abortion rates in the black population six-fold. Organizations such as Black Lives Matter are promoted which further divides our country. With crime rates increasing, the social structure further deteriorates.

For those unfamiliar with Walkaway, it was started in 2018 when Brandon Straka made his first video, sharing how he walked away from liberal perversion to the truth of conservatism.

Today Walkaway is a large national movement with more than a half million people that believes we can have different groups, each with their own agenda, but working together for the same result: we want our country back. Our methods may be different, but our goals are the same. 

Ann agrees with Brandon that changing a culture requires each one of us to form relationships with those of opposing views without the use of divisive rhetoric. Because we all have common ground, it is important we work together to educate them toward logical thinking versus group think. Each one can reach one, who then influence others, and those numbers grow exponentially.

At the conclusion of Ann’s presentation, Susan asked the crowd to go around the room and introduce themselves. Everyone agreed we all had much in common: love of this great nation and the shared view that Convention of States was the solution as large as the problem. 

Momentum for Convention of States is growing each month here in Texas and across the country, with attendance increasing and new volunteers signing up. What about you? Come join this grassroots army and sign up today.

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