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Federal Judge Strikes Down CDC's Mask Mandate

Published in Blog on April 22, 2022 by Ann Lilly

Finally! No more masks on planes and other public transportation.

On April 18, US District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, of Florida, ruled that the CDC had exceeded its legal powers in issuing the unlawful mandate, forcing anyone travelling on a plane to wear a mask.

Dissent resulted in being blacklisted from flying. Nearly 5,000 dissenters have had their air travel rights taken away since February of 2021, when this 'public health order' was declared by the unelected bureaucrats at the CDC.

In her decision, the Judge wrote: "Because our system does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable ends, the Court declares unlawful and vacates the Mask Mandate."

The White House plans to appeal the ruling.

In an interview on CNN following the Judge's decision, Dr. Fauci said, "And we are concerned about that, about courts getting involved, in things that are unequivocally public health decisions. I mean, this is a CDC issue. It should not have been a court issue."

Dr. Fauci is 100% incorrect about the power the CDC, as well as the NIH and countless other federal agencies, has. According to the US Constitution, the power reserved to unelected bureaucrats is 0%. But this degree of error (or deception?) is not surprising coming from the highest paid bureaucrat in all of government. 

Fun Fact: Dr. Fauci makes more than the President, who is the highest paid elected official at $400,000 annually. 

This is a prime example of why the need for a Convention of States is increasing daily. Amendments proposed unanimously by 34 states and ratified by 38 would do much to reign in the out-of-control bureaucracy and shatter their allowed illusions of power.

Please join the efforts to restore the power of the people, through Article V of the Constitution, by signing the petition today. 

If you are able and willing to do even more to help, please consider volunteering your time and talent to restoring the freedom intended by the brave founders of our nation. Opportunities range from calling or writing your state lawmakers to authoring articles like these or spreading the word through social media.

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