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"Freedom Over Fear" Student Event: Cold November Rain Cannot Squelch Fire in Patriot Hearts

Published in Blog on November 23, 2021 by Michele Haroon

Even "Cold November Rain" (queue the Guns & Roses music) could NOT keep true patriots from attending the successful Freedom Over Fear student-led rally on Saturday, November 13. The elements could never have kept true freedom-fighters away, especially given today's insane vaccine mandates, injuries and illnesses from the vaccines, and related college, high school, and job problems.

It was clear that "Freedom Over Fear" attendees realized that WE ARE AT WAR, just as George Washington's troops were as they trudged through snow during the Revolution. 

Nobody could underestimate just how cold it was, nor how enthusiastic organizers and attendees were for this Manchester, Michigan event. Bill Pacey, State Grassroots Coordinator, later told volunteers that the wind and cold blowing on his face were unbelievable when he was up on the stage presenting.

An astounding group estimated at one hundred people (at any given time) endured this biting cold and rain all day on Saturday, November 13th, standing in the parking lot of Manchester High School to hear Bill and numerous other speakers present. Excellent student presenters ranging in age from elementary school through college eloquently shared their stories of struggle, but also, of actions taken to STAND UP. A silver lining in today's bizarre, mandate-ridden world is the cultivation of future leaders and orators; I, for one, am happy they are on our side, the side for FREEDOM!

They also visited the warming tent to warm up and network with other freedom-loving attendees. Convention of States, Guardians of Freedom Michigan, and numerous other grassroots organizations ran informational booths within this warming tent. They all took advantage of the opportunity to stand together, encourage brave liberty-loving students (some as young as fourth grade), and meet new supporters and volunteers.

The most important outcomes of the Freedom Over Fear event were 1) showing support for students fighting back against their schools' unnecessary and onerous mandates and 2) the number of valuable relationships created and strengthened. For instance, COS volunteers communicated with Rachel Weaver (pictured) and Joie Vawter of Guardians of Freedom Michigan, John McClore and Rachel Marcero of UsAgainstMedia, and Heather and Chris Koehler of Unite for Michigan, among countless others.  

At the State Grassroots Coordinator's suggestion, COS volunteers also interviewed several petition-signers to better understand why they believe in the Article V Convention of States solution and signed the petition. In all, COS volunteers met more than 40 petition-signers and 3 potential volunteers. They also answered questions from visitors to the booth and did a fabulous job helping others learn about the movement. 

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