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Let's let Gov. Abbott hear our voices!

Published in Blog on October 04, 2020 by Shelby Williams

Tired of the fear? Tired of being “mostly free?”

We’re on day 200 of “15 days to slow the spread.” Worse yet, the Texas lockdown continues with no end in sight.

We the People of Texas have had enough. It’s time to stand up, speak up, and demand that Governor Abbott #FreeTexasNow!

Join Lt. Col. Allen West, Mark Meckler, and members of the Convention of States Texas team at the Free Texas rally outside of the Governor’s Mansion on Saturday, October 10.

The address is 1010 Colorado St, Austin, TX 78701.

The rally begins at 11:00 a.m., and many speakers and activists will be there.

The only purpose for ever locking down was to ensure that our healthcare system wasn’t overwhelmed. Not only was it never overwhelmed, it never came close. The lockdown was never supposed to stop the spread.

No more excuses, and no more lockdowns.

We the People can take proactive steps to mitigate the spread of the virus without the heavy hand of the government forcing it on us.

It’s time to fight back and reclaim our rights as Texans. We hope you will join us in Austin next Saturday, October 10!

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