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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Four Prong Approach to Government Reform

Published in Blog on February 24, 2023 by LeRoy E Cossette

The Convention of States Action (COS) family will eventually be victorious and obtain the passage of Resolutions to convene a “Convention of States” from the required 34 states.

As more petitions supporting COS are obtained, state legislators currently reluctant to pass our Resolution will eventually come around, including North Carolina legislators. 

State Legislators nationwide will come to realize that a majority of their constituents – We the People – want and fully support the passage of a resolution calling for the convening of a Convention of States.

Since 2013, Convention of State Action has obtained 19 states to come on board leaving only 15 states to convince that passing a resolution is what their constituents want.

A recent poll conducted by The Trafalgar Group found that 81% of Republicans, 63% of Independents, and 50% of Democrats support a Convention of States.

With this kind of support, and growing daily, it is only a matter of time before we achieve the required 34 states needed to pass our Resolution to convene a Convention of States.

But don’t just believe that the convening of a Convention of States will, in and of itself, fix our federal government problems.


Because to truly win and forever change the way our elected officials and unelected bureaucrats conduct themselves, we must win on four critical fronts:

One – Convene of a Convention of States to propose three amendments to our Constitution: 1) Term Limits; 2) Fiscal Restraint and Balanced Budgets; and 3) Restricted Federal Jurisdiction and Overreach. Then obtain the required ratification by 38 states of proposed amendments.

Two – Achieve election integrity to ensure that our elections are fair and honest. Without election integrity, American citizens will have little trust in our election system and will begin to refrain from voting.

Three – Do background research on candidates you are considering for elected offices. Take the time to attend candidate rallies and town hall events and ask hard questions regarding the candidate’s position on issues. Assure yourself that they represent your values.

Four – Sacrifice a few days out of your life every two years and volunteer as a poll worker or poll observer.

Convention of States Action volunteers have already shown themselves to be patriotic Americans willing to sacrifice the time and energy needed to get our COS Resolution passed in the required 34 states.

Make yourself and the COS family proud to count you in as a willing fighter to save our Constitutional Republic by becoming totally involved on all four critical fronts. 

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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