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Convention of States!


Focus on Local: Constitution Day

Published in Blog on August 25, 2021 by Michael DelSanto

There's a lot of news on the national stage that's dire. It all seems hopeless. It's impossible to fight a government and industries that actively subvert liberty at every turn. And it's true that one person can't shift the tide... so how do we respond?

Focus on what ONE person can do. For this month, join us in spreading the Constitution to the next generation. September 17th is Constitution Day, commemorating the day the US Constitution was signed in 1787. By federal law:

Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution.

Did you know that 90% of schools don't follow this law? Our children are no longer taught the foundation of our government and our republic. We're asking each of you reading this to call your local school principals and inform them of this law and their requirement to follow it.

But don't go empty handed. Send them good educational resources, like the Constitution Center's Learning Materials, a non-partisan approach to the Constitution. Please call soon to give administrators time to prepare. And remind them: it's the law. 

If you each do this one thing, we may yet reach someone with truth.

It is the greatest of all mistakes, to do nothing because you can only do little  - Rev. Sydney Smith 

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