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Convention of States!


Florida State Strategy 2021

Published in Blog on October 04, 2021 by Nancy Suits

Florida is a passed state on a mission. The Sunshine State has been in the news cycle as one of the leaders in the Nation in the fight for Liberty!

A peninsula in the sun, Florida attracts those seeking less government intrusion, lower taxes, and a high quality of life. The Florida team has a strategy to act, learn and adjust as we reach, teach and activate. 

At the end of September, the Florida team has over 54 District Captains, over 165,000 supporters, and 5300 volunteers. This is amazing as we plot the course, steer the ship, and guide new members into the team who will proceed on mission.

Collage created of a few of the Leaders in Florida

Federal over reach into states rights is at an all time high. Hundreds of people are signing up and actively being processed into the team. This is encouraging, and possibly a result of the news cycles with many issues and concerns we hear about everyday.

Keeping in mind our mission is to Build an Engaged Army of Self-Governing Grassroots Activists, the Florida Team met at the end of September to consider and plot the course for the next year. 

While not ideal, a virtual meeting was planned and executed with our best effort to make it meaningful. We held a two-day online access for all the leaders to attend with amazing guest speakers and lots of time for interaction with the team. A special thanks go out to Brenda Karlin, (Regional Director for Passed States) as the Host and our Guide, Denah Butts, (FL State Communications Coordinator) a Leader taking the tech involved to a new level. 


Friday evening focus was to help clarify our Legislative strategies. Florida has 120 House Districts and has reached over 50 active District Captains. Just like a non-passed state, we must build relationships with our state house and senate representatives. Attendees found out valuable information from Jim Kallinger, a valuable consultant and member of our Legislative Liaison team. After the 2020 census the main focus of the Florida legislature will be re-districting. Paul Phillips, Regional co-director gave the team important guidance from a legal perspective. Andrew Barkman, National Block Walking Coordinator, joined us to introduce the block walking plan.

The next session focused on building an engaged self governing team. To actively engage new volunteers, support and grow our District and Regional Captain teams, we will be focusing on strengthening our COS fundamentals. This so we are "in shape" to double and triple down on building the grassroots army.

Saturday virtual conference was inspirational with Chris Thomas, the new national mentoring leader. Servant Leadership, and the Here to There Path we are on is encouraging. Jean Borden a leading Regional Captain in Florida gave insight into Blockwalking Florida Style! 

The most important thing you can do every week was a highlight that the Florida members really engaged and dove into. 15 members of the team were awarded a Patriot Pin.

Mark Meckler inspired the team with many thoughts and insights. We were all stirred in our hearts and felt a sense of importance in the fight for Liberty across the Nation.

We will be doing our part as you do yours. We are seeking a District Captain in every house district across Florida and every state. Try it and you will see one person does make a difference.


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