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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Fired up and Fed Up Adams County Fair Attendees

Published in Blog on August 12, 2024 by Yvette Kimmel

"We’re here collecting signatures to force term limits…”

“Where do I sign?”

While not every crowd is that receptive, the attendees of the Adams County Fair were fired up and fed up with our federal government.  They were eager to sign the petition.


Young and older lit up when we explained that COS is over halfway to using Article V to force an Article V Convention of States and send a strong message to bureaucrats. More than a handful asked if we were targeting problems at a state level as well. As we explained what they were signing, most people were truly intrigued and hopeful that we have the means to address our ever-growing government.  


In three and a half days, the team working the COS booth at the Adams County Fairgrounds collected over 450 signatures. The Colorado COS Veterans Coalition deserves respect and recognition for that success.  

As a newbie to booth outreach campaigns, I was able to learn from the best, our veterans team, and had a great time doing it. Lynn Ray singlehandedly set up the booth with an array of helpful photos and data points to use as we spoke to people.  We had all the tools to address concerns over our legitimacy as an organization and the methods to easily explain the process.  

Mimicking Lynn’s approach, I showed people photos of the senators—from both parties—who have spent over 40 years in Congress. Whether we called them “dinosaurs” or “political elites,” people quickly agreed that we need term limits and were eager to sign.  

Colorado’s COS veterans have streamlined the recruiting process. As mentioned, the tools and photos in the booth tell the story. They added free cold water and ice pops to attract over-heated people to the booth and iPads to make sign up quick and easy.  Often, children were dragging their parents to us for an ice pop, and the parents signed and left the booth fired up for change.  

Working with the veteran’s team is invigorating and educational; their continued commitment for saving our freedoms and our country will pierce your heart. Working with other volunteers makes you feel like there is still hope and some sanity in these crazy and dangerous political times. 

Veteran's Coaltion Director Art Sickler shares his passion: "We need your help. Support us by giving a few hours. Our country is worth it. This is not an issue where you sit back and hope that it happens. If you believe in term limits, please come and help us make a difference educating the public in the Convention of States mission: term limits, a balanced budget, and stemming the tide of government overreach. It's actually fun watching people get motivated to make a change. Come join an energetic group of people who have fun and enjoy each other‘s company as we make a difference."

Volunteer here through Sign-Up Genius

Our veterans have already served; let's honor them by serving to save our country. 


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Convention of states action

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