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Federal regs cost billions in this state alone

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

As the first-ever Simulated Convention of States gets under way, it isn’t hard to find reasons why a Convention of States is so critical to the survival of our nation.

Take Sen. John McCain’s latest America’s Most Wasted report, for example. The Arizona Senator noted that over the last two years federal regulations have cost taxpayers $348.7 billion in Arizona alone: “the American people have been hit with a barrage of federal regulations that are saddling Arizona’s economy, hurting small businesses, strangling middle class families, and robbing taxpayers – to the tune of $348.7 billion,” he said.

“With job and economic development continuing to lag across our nation, we must not cease in our efforts to undo the red-tape that is unfairly burdening hardworking Arizona families,” McCain said.

American citizens shouldn’t have to worry about their federal officials placing burdens on them beyond the taxes they already pay. But time and again We the People find ourselves burdened with federal regulations, federal taxes, and, in the case of our children and grandchildren, federal debt.

This is why an Article V Convention of States is so crucial. A Convention of States can restore the intended power structures between the states and D.C., ensuring the people have a real voice in their federal government. Now through the 23rd, state delegations from around the country are participating in the first-ever Convention of States Simulation. This is an important step towards holding the real Convention of States, and interested members of the public can view the event LIVE by RSVPing here.

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