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Convention of States!


Federal Overreach is Drying Up the Oil Patch

Published in Blog on July 10, 2022 by Duncan Harvey

On the last day of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, also known as the Federal Convention, George Mason of Virginia, one of our founders, realized they were not done with the creation of the federal government.

Mason and other founders realized the federal government they were creating might become abusive or exceed its powers at some point in the future.

George Mason led the way for our founders to introduce Article V, whereby the states could call a convention to deal with a future out of control federal government by proposing amendments to the Constitution. He realized Congress was not going to propose amendments that limited their own power.

Today, one example of the federal overreach and tyrannical behavior is the arbitrary new rules on the energy sector that are causing disruptions in the economy. The supply of petroleum based energy is under attack with nothing to replace it. The result is higher prices, shortages and supply chain interruptions.

In addition to applying arbitrary regulations and policies designed to hurt the petroleum industry, the federal administration is also going after them with a publicity campaign of half truths and untruths designed to do as much damage as possible to companies that produce petroleum products.

Remember the administration could not wait for the ink to dry on their initial foray into “Biden Green Economics” – the XL pipeline, Anwar, Keystone, and canceled drilling leases on federal lands and off-shore.

After a recent speech insulting the major oil companies for taking huge profits, the President chose to take a meeting with green energy wind/solar companies, and not the oil men from Houston and Dallas. The president also chastised private small gas station owner-operators for raising their prices.

The American Petroleum Institute along with Exxon Mobil and Chevron, responded in the form of letters documenting how much profit was made within the last 5 years versus how much they have invested in upgrades and new technology.

The oil industry responded to Biden in RIGZONE

Exxon Mobil has been investing more than any other company to develop U.S. oil and gas supplies.

"This includes investments in the U.S. of more than $50 billion over the past five years, resulting in an almost 50 percent increase in our U.S. production of oil during this period," ExxonMobil said in a statement posted on its website.

"Globally, we’ve invested double what we’ve earned over the past five years -- $118 billion on new oil and gas supplies compared to net income of $55 billion. This reflects the company’s long-term growth strategy, and our commitment to continuously invest to meet society’s demand for our products."

Chevron President Mike Wirth said Chevron has invested $10 billion to remove greenhouse gasses and scale up new energy technologies while producing the most efficient, responsible and lowest carbon intensity oil and gas supplies on the planet. Chevron's Permian Basin carbon intensity is two-thirds lower than the world average. 

The pump pain is not going to go away until the administration and Congress start taking steps to use what we have here in our ground. That means talking and working to reduce or eliminate those federal regulations and policies that are causing all the inflation hurting Americans; and that means working with the guys in Houston and Dallas. 

Convention of States is, in the opinion of this writer, the only sure-fire way to reel in the federal overreach in several areas with constitutional Amendments designed to:

  • Limit spending and balance with revenue
  • Set term limits for elected and appointed federal positions.
  • Reduce the size, scope and number of federal agencies.

Convention of States can and will do this, but there is a catch: we need YOU to become involved. COS is building the largest political grassroots organization in our country's history.

This is how we reset the relationship of "We the People" with our federal government using an Article V Convention of States.

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