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Federal government's weaponization furthers case for COS

Published in Blog on May 29, 2023 by Scott H Goldman

We have witnessed the federal government overextend its constitutional jurisdiction for decades. No doubt it has grown beyond what the American Founders envisioned in the United States of America.

The checks and balances of the three branches of government are deeply out of whack and corrupt. It needs structural reform that has never been addressed by the federal government. Of course, the federal government will never address the necessary structural reform. Instead, they have been in favor of expanding government where we have seen a fourth branch of government made of administrative bureaucrats emerge as a powerful permanent addition.  

The trajectory of this path is that the government seeks centralized control to no end. Sadly, we have witnessed, at least in the last two decades, the government spread its tentacles and take over everything from education, health, environment, housing, agriculture, and automobiles, as just a few examples. The federal government uses its power through executive agencies to weaponize against political opponents who they deem as a threat to their ideology and agenda.  
Examples include the IRS targeting conservative tea party groups in 2012 and beyond; the forty-fifth president of the United States being accused of unwarranted charges by the District Attorney in New York; parents harassed by the DOJ for peacefully protesting perverse-cult ideologies in School Board meetings in their counties. However, people protesting outside Supreme Court judges' homes that violate federal law get a pass. Yet people peacefully protesting or just walking on Washington, D.C. grounds or let into buildings on January 6, 2021, are denied their due process- constitutional rights – many still sitting in Washington, D.C. prison. 
It is tragic that our Bill of Rights is under constant assault. Civil liberties, as time goes on, continue to shrink and our Constitutional Republic is dwindling away. The trajectory is heading toward outright tyranny.

However, hope to recourse and restore our Republic is not lost. Structural reform, vitally needed in the federal government, can happen through Convention of States. 
The reality is that we have an out-of-control federal government now weaponized against individuals and groups. Given the trajectory of the government, do state legislatures, like Nevada, think they are immune to this?

The answers will most certainly not come from more government. Convention of States through Article V will address this reality of an out-of-control, weaponized federal government.  

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