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FDA Commissioner: It is the government's role to help Americans "make better choices about our diets"

Published in Uncategorized on May 07, 2018 by Article V Patriot

Even in the Trump administration, federal bureaucrats believe they know what's best for the American people. The Washington Free Beacon reports: 

The Food and Drug Administration is continuing several Obama administration agenda items, helping to cement Michelle Obama's anti-obesity legacy.

The FDA is overseeing the implementation of several Obama era healthy eating initiatives. The far-reaching Obamacare regulation mandating calorie counts on menus went into effect on Monday. The FDA is also moving forward with a new Nutrition Facts label designed by the former first lady and Obama administration sodium reduction targets.

The calorie labeling rule is opposed by pizza chains and grocery stores that say the rule is overbroad and carries criminal penalties for "misbranding" food. The rule, which left confusion as to what a menu is, was delayed numerous times under the Obama administration and again last year just days before it was set to go into effect.

FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb, however, has made it clear the government will continue several nutrition policies of the Obama administration, saying last week that it is the government's role to help Americans "make better choices about our diets."

This is exactly the kind of top-down, big-government policy that We the People rejected in the 2016 elections.

Unfortunately, federal bureaucrats are all the same, no matter which party label they choose.

That's why we need to call the first-ever Article V Convention of States.

A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that limit the power of overreaching federal officials and return that power to the states and the people.

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