Check out the upcoming dates to meet your local Convention of States Kansas patriots.
May 11 at Noon.
Mark McAllister will give a presentation on Article V and Convention of States during the monthly potluck lunch at the Senior Center on Main Street, Talmage 67482.
Contact Angel at 785-569-1461.
Every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Art Howell hosts an open meeting at the Salina Public Library. 301 W Elm St, Salina, Kansas 67401.
Contact Art at 785-577-7810.
The fourth Monday of every month at 7:00pm.
Bob Strawder hosts an informational meeting, and Mark McAllister gives a presentation on Article V and Convention of States. Lyon County Annex, 402 Commercial St, Emporia, KS.
Contact Bob at 620-341-3680.