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Convention of States!


Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Published in Blog on June 24, 2024 by Julie Holly

A few weeks ago, Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts.  Not sure if we’ve ever figured out what was included in all those counts.  Something to do with falsifying records with intent to defraud and paying hush money to a “lady of the evening”.  Forgive me if I got that wrong.  It was hard to keep up with all the reports and the rampant mis- and dis-information.  

Some reports say the prosecution’s main witness was a well-known liar.  Others say the “injured parties” were not injured.  There were reports of the judge being a supporter of the defendant’s political opponent. Rumors circulated about the jury having decided they were going to convict even before they were sent to deliberate.

The law was bent to benefit the prosecution.  The prosecutor had no interest in these charges before Trump announced his intent to run for President.  The rights and freedoms of the defendant, guaranteed by the Constitution, were reportedly shredded.  

According to a Breitbart article:  The case should have been thrown out from the moment it was brought, based on a jury-rigged (pun intended) indictment that tried to shoehorn a federal crime into a state court, a felony into an expired misdemeanor.

This should never have happened.  In a lawfully run country, it would never have happened.  But this is America.  And this trial was a perfect example of how corruption has been seeping into every aspect of government for many years.

Here’s the good thing about this prosecution.  It was an “in your face” invitation to every American to get involved and demand change.  Regardless of what side of the aisle you lean toward, it’s vital to get government back on track.  The founders of this country provided the tools we need to protect and defend the rights of every citizen of this country.  The Constitution is a strong framework and when it’s used in the way it was intended, it’s very effective.

Convention of States Action (COSA) is working within the guidelines set forth in the Constitution. Because the founders couldn't have anticipated what the world would be like in 200 plus years,  they included Article V.  This allows for convening an amending convention to propose amendments to the original document.  The amendments to be proposed include reining in government overreach, setting term limits and gaining control over out-of-control spending.  

What can you do to fight this rampant corruption?  Perhaps you’re not inclined to be a political activist.  That’s OK.  Become a Convention of States volunteer and help in a way that works for you.  A good place to start is by signing the petition.  Contact your representatives and ask them to support Convention of States Action.  Perhaps you believe in the power of prayer? You could be a Prayer Warrior.  There are many actions you can take – some are public, others are more behind the scenes.  All are needed.  You are needed.  

What better time to call an Article V Convention.  If the way the law is regularly being manipulated isn’t a perfect example of government overreach, I don’t know what is.  It doesn’t matter if your values lean toward Democrat, Republican or Independent. We’re all being manipulated.  They do their best to keep us divided.  But when we work together, we can make great strides.  Whether you’re a D, an R or an I, take action now and be part of the solution.

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Convention of states action

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