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Eternal Rules of Order and Right

Published in Blog on July 02, 2019 by Barb Stoermer

Submitted by Joe Fockler, COS Colorado District Captain HD58.

I’ve been doing some reading recently on George Washington and America’s War of Independence. What has struck me as truly remarkable about that war and General Washington’s role in it was how much was working against him.

His Continental Army was out-trained, out-gunned, and out-numbered by the British Regulars. The Red Coats were a hardened and well-disciplined army against whom Washington’s rag-tag volunteers were no match. 

The colonies were divided over the war. Congress was practically dysfunctional during the most critical period. And in the infamous 1778 winter encampment at Valley Forge, Washington’s 11,000 army nearly dissolved from starvation, disease, and discouragement among the ranks!

How did Washington and that first generation of American patriots prevail against such odds?

A large piece of the answer lies in the strength of Washington’s commitment to the “eternal rules of order and right.” In his inaugural address to Congress on April 30, 1789, President George Washington said: “We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”

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