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Convention of States!


Elections alone will not drain the swamp

Published in Blog on May 06, 2018 by Joan McDermott

The following is a note from Brett Sterley, State Director for Convention of States Missouri.

Elections are important, of course. But let's look at how many "good ones" would have to be voted into office in order for the Constitution to be adhered to and followed.

At a minimum, it would take 218 House of Representative members and 60 Senators who were consistent originalists in order to pass constitutional legislation in Congress.

Additionally, legislation would need to be passed to restrict the jurisdiction of the judicial branch and to rein in the federal bureaucracy.

Just these two acts would so outrage the constituent groups who depend upon court action and the bureacracy to advance their agenda or provide their funding. The result could be that these Congresspeople and Senators would be voted out of office. Therefore, the 218 and 60 member threshold for real reform would be unsustainable, if not unattainable.

The federal government has grown too large for any group of legislators to affect the necessary changes from the inside. The states, and therefore the people, have no representation in Washington, D.C.

Our only remaining remedy is the Article V Convention of States process.

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