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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Drain the Corrupted Swamp

Published in Blog on September 21, 2023 by Yvette Kimmel

“There is enough money and power in Washington DC to corrupt anyone,” quipped my father, incidentally, named John Adams.  

As simple as that statement seems, it points to the root cause of many problems we have in our country: out-of-control inflation, declining moral values, a focus on victimization rather than accountability and so much more.

Years ago, I shared a taxi with a long-time Washington, DC resident, who was not a politician or lobbyist. Completely unsolicited, he described how corruption was rampant in the district, regardless of party. That was 20 years ago. Imagine how bad corruption must be now.  

“Drain the Swamp” is a metaphor used by politicians for many years as a reference to reducing the influence of lobbyists and special interest groups.  Democrat Winfield E. Gaylord is credited with first using the phrase in politics in 1903.  "Socialists are not satisfied with killing a few of the mosquitoes which come from the capitalist swamp. They want to drain the swamp."

Donald Trump adopted it as a catchy campaign slogan, likely drawing his inspiration from President Ronald Reagan. In 1980, Reagan called to "drain the swamp" of bureaucracy in Washington, and created the Grace Commission, which identified $424 billion of wasteful government spending that could be cut.

Despite a catchy phrase and lots of most-likely well-intended promises, the swamp seems to be thriving. Not only are our Congressional People ( I can't bring myself to type representatives, since they as a body don't represent me or my values) power drunk and disconnected from their job duties, they are compromised by special interests and the deep state administrators. In one body, they can even vote in a T-shirt and shorts!  

I can think of no better reason to support the grassroots movement known as Convention of States.  

The Convention of States Project is designed to protect our rights from an overreaching government. The focus is on using Article V of the Constitution, which outlines two ways amendments are passed: by 2/3 of the House and Senate voting to amend the Constitution or by 2/3 of the states agreeing to limited amendments. Article V exists so that the people have the final say, not the federal government. 

The Convention of States Project is concentrated on three issues and is organized to bring a voting body, representing all 50 states together to agree on Constitutional Amendments regarding these issues: term limits, fiscal restraints and limiting the power of the federal government.  

If you are concerned about our country’s future, please sign the petition for Convention of States and learn more. Protect your Constitutional rights, your children and family and our precious country from the depravity so evident in Washington DC. Let’s break up the centralized, corrupted power of the federal government and bring representation back to the states, where our brilliant Forefathers intended it to be.  

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