Don’t touch my washer. For that matter, stay away from my dryer and my dishwasher too.
In December 2022, the Biden administration pledged to tighten the already very tight environmental standards on consumer appliances. According to the administration:
These standards will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 2.4 billion metric tons, equivalent to the carbon emissions from 10 million homes, 17 million gas cars, or 21 coal-fired power plants over 30 years. The projected consumer savings from these standards would be $570 billion cumulatively, and for an average household this will mean at least $100 in annual savings.
Unfortunately, contrary opinions and facts have been squelched. The rest of the story is conveniently missing as well. For instance, what functionality do we lose? How much will this cost already stretched household budgets? Who is most affected by more expensive appliances? How do we dispose of the old (dead) machines? Who measured that environmental impact?
What should be our new leading question: Who will benefit most from these regulations? (Hint: our country’s biggest adversary.)
Other solutions have also been squelched, like educating consumers on the largest factor in appliance energy consumption: water temperature.
Instead, this administration is attacking our convenience. The faulty logic machine is in high gear. In the name of progress, we are going backwards in technology.
Instead of allowing appliance manufacturers to innovate products for features that consumers want, “they are literally going to have to redesign products that will look closer to the 1950s than they do to 2020,” Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers spokesperson Jill Notini said.
Here’s a riddle for our bureaucrats: If we must run the cycle two or three times to achieve the same results, how does that affect the math?
Today’s appliances already have remarkable technology: water savings, delayed cycles, high efficiency laundering to reduce soap and shorter cycles.
Manufacturers claim a tradition of cooperation between agencies and industry to develop new standards is already underway, but they say they’re hitting a wall regarding moderating these demands with the Biden administration.
Everybody has a line where they have been pushed too far.
We have been pummeled with crime, food shortages, gun grabs, attacks on family life and more. Perhaps the simple convenience of laundry will wake more of us up to government’s illogical invasion of our lives.
Make your voice heard: no more infringing on our personal property. Research Convention of States. Sign the petition. Draw your line.