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Convention of States!


First-Ever South Jersey COS Meeting

Published in Blog on January 29, 2019 by Haydee Santana

For the first time, a COS regional meeting was held in Southern New Jersey. District Captains Michael Osowiecki (LD-6) and Susan Beckett Jones (LD-4) facilitated the event, which was held on January 7 at St. John Evangelist Church in Blackwood, NJ.

The meeting was attended by approximately 30 people, including friends and neighbors of both Michael and Susan. Food and drinks were served, and Grassroots Coordinator Bill Boniface assisted by utilizing the new Introduction to Convention of States presentation

Attendees were very receptive to the presentation, which was was followed by a spirited question and answer session. According to Susan the audience was enthralled by the Q&A, and she credited Bill with providing answers that were clear and concise. 

Michael is convinced that the best way to grow the COS grassroots is through meetings such as this one.

"Spreading the word with friends and family members will always work," he said.

Michael and Susan are committed to capitalizing on the momentum of this meeting, and plan to work together to host more South Jersey meetings in the future.

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