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Democratizing Private Property through Natural Asset Companies

Published in Blog on December 29, 2023 by Angel Cushing

Democratizing private property was the phrase used by a Marxist economist when he described his excitement for Natural Asset Trading.

The New York Stock Exchange is asking the Security and Exchange Commission to allow trading on Natural Asset Companies (NACs). NACs will be publicly tradable land managers of forests, waters, prairies, farmlands, parks, cemeteries, yards and ditches.

Natural Asset Trading will raise revenue for Federal and State Governments by selling shares of public land management to investors. Those investors will be government and non-government purchasers from around the world. These Natural Asset Companies may be combined with current public land managers and private landowners, or they may be an addition to current public and private land managers and owners.

Put more simply, any federal land management program or plan will be sold as shares on the New York Stock Exchange through Natural Asset Companies. Some examples are National Parks, Preserves, Monuments, National Cemeteries, Wildlife Areas, Corps of Engineer Land, Bureau of Land Management, Forestry, Military Installations, Historical Sites and National Heritage Areas.

Federal lands around our Kansas lakes, Fort Riley, McConnell Air force base, the prairie preserves, Ft Lenard, lands with National and Historic Trails going through them and all of the eastern counties of Kansas that fall within the Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area are a few examples of potential Natural Asset Company investments.  All forms of federal jurisdictions that have federal land management plans can be traded on the New York Stock Exchange in Natural Asset Companies, should this proposal be accepted.

Natural Asset Trading will not be limited to federal jurisdiction. States too, can sell land management through Natural Asset Companies. In addition to Parks and Wildlife Preserves, states will be able to sell shares of land management on college and universities, cemeteries, easements or any other lands it has land management plans for.  Cities too, can raise revenues through cemeteries, parks, schools, and perhaps even waste disposal lands that it has management of.

Private companies and non-profits too, are expected to trade in Natural Asset Companies. Land Trusts and owners of Perpetual Conservation, Access and Energy Easements are expected to be some of the largest financial benefactors of share trading in Natural Asset Companies. 

Eventually, Natural Asset Trading is expected to provide a stable monetary value to Environmental and Social Governance Scores of every farm, business and household. And that is how private property will become a democracy of shareholders.

Natural Asset Trading of Natural Asset Companies is one of the ideals inspired by the World Economic Forum and 30 x 30 and one of the most important reasons a Convention of States is needed.


Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSEompany Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies (

Natural Asset Companies (NACs) | NYSE

 IEG (

 natural asset companies | Search Results | American Stewards

 Nature as a new asset class. Nature is one of the few things that…

Natural Asset Companies: A Nature-Based Solution to Unlock the Value of Natural Resources | Insights | Holland & Knight (

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