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Delaware Team Meets in Dover to Train and Plan

Published in Blog on July 26, 2022 by Susan Foy

The Convention of States Delaware Team held their annual meeting on July 16 at the TGI Friday in Dover.

The meeting kicked off at 11 am with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer, and then we played the game "two truths and a lie" as a way to learn more about our team members. After learning some interesting facts about some of the people on the team, we moved on to reports from our members.

Cyndi Franco, our blockwalking captain, announced that she has been hired as a part-time assistant to Monica Sellers, our regional director. Cyndi talked to the team about blockwalking and encouraged everyone to form small groups and block-walk informally in our own neighborhoods.

Next, Veterans Coordinator Bob Creamer spent some time brainstorming with the team about how we can more effectively connect with Delaware veterans.

During these reports, we ordered and enjoyed our delicious lunch!

Our legislative liaison, Ben Cassell, discussed his recent meetings with various legislators, who are either committed to COS or who still need to be persuaded. He offered his opinion that “not all supporters are really supporters” – that unfortunately, some legislators tell one person that they are supportive and then he finds out differently when he digs a bit further.

State Director Ginny Watkins spent some time on the new volunteer meetings that we are kicking off across the state, including the constitutional training that we are including in these meetings.

Finally at the end of our meeting, Mark Meckler joined us by Zoom and gave an encouraging speech. He reminded us of the final line in the Declaration of Independence: “We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” As our leader, Mark pledged to us his life, fortune, and sacred honor, and encouraged us to do the same.

Truly an inspirational conclusion to our meeting!

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