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to call for a

Convention of States!

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Delaware COS Team collects 10,000+ signatures

Published in Blog on August 31, 2023 by Tanya Hettler

Newsletter by Senator Bryant Richardson - one of the sponsors of SCR100 - a Resolution calling for an Article V Convention

On Tuesday, I had the privilege of speaking with members of the Delaware Convention of States team via Zoom. I was invited to speak to the members by Ginny Watkins, DE COS State director.

I reported on my experience at the Convention of States simulation in Williamsburg, Virginia, on August 2-4.

In Delaware, the Convention of States team has been busy building grassroots support to encourage Delaware legislators to join a growing list of states asking for a Convention of States.

The following note from director Watkins discusses their progress:

Thanks to the support of you and your 10,000 fellow Delawarean petition signers, as well as the hard work of our Delaware COS team, we are happy to announce the introduction into the Delaware Legislature of Senate Concurrent Resolution 100. 

When this resolution passes both houses of the Delaware General Assembly, it will serve as Delaware's application to Congress to hold a Convention of States calling for term limits, fiscal responsibility, and limitation of federal overreach. Currently, 20 state legislatures of the 34 required by Article V of the U.S. Constitution have called for this convention.

Senator David Lawson sponsored the resolution in the Senate, with co-sponsors Senators Eric Buckson and Bryant Richardson. In his newsletter, Sen. Richardson said, “An Article V Convention, which the Framers provided, is the only way to rein in our activist judiciary, reduce the size of the federal government, and restore our Constitution back to its original pocket size and its original intent.”

The Delaware legislative session runs for two years, with the current session being 2023-2024. Although the legislature adjourned on June 30, bills that have been introduced in 2023 will be considered and voted on in 2024, beginning in January. We expect that the COS resolution will be decided then.

So what can you do now?

• Attend the COS Action Meeting closest to you to learn of the strategies and action plans we are making for the next 6 months and how you can be involved. Find meetings at

• Go to the TAKE ACTION tab on our website and volunteer to join our team. We need many more "boots on the ground" right now. There are various roles that need to be filled. We are especially looking for some patriots who can devote 4-6 hours per week to step up as District Captains.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 100 says in part:

WHEREAS, the Founders of our Constitution empowered State Legislators to be guardians of liberty against future abuses of power by the federal government; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has created a crushing national debt through improper and imprudent spending; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has invaded the legitimate roles of the states through the manipulative process of federal mandates, most of which are unfunded to a great extent; and

WHEREAS, the federal government has ceased to live under a proper interpretation of the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, it is the solemn duty of the States to protect the liberty of our people – particularly for the generations to come – by proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the United States through a Convention of the States under Article V for the purpose of restraining these and related abuses of power. 

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the 152nd General Assembly of the State of Delaware, the House of Representatives concurring therein, hereby applies to Congress, under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States, for the calling of a convention of the states limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.

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