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Convention of States!


Delaware COS Holds Legislator Reception

Published in Uncategorized on January 23, 2023 by Tanya Hettler

On January 12th 2023, Delaware Convention of States (COS) held a Legislator Reception in Dover to welcome the incumbent legislators back to session and to meet and welcome our newly elected legislators. Ben Cassell, the Delaware Legislative Liaison who maintains continual contact with our numerous legislators on both sides of the aisle, planned the get-together at Frazier’s Restaurant only two blocks away from Legislative Hall.

In total nine COS Volunteers attended the event including our State Director Ginny Watkins, our State Communications Coordinator and District Captain Tanya Hettler, our state photographer and videographer, Dan Alvarez, our new assistant Legislative Liaison for New Castle County, Jay Hettler, and several district captains including Doug Romaine, Jill Cranmer, Linda Wade, and Doc Pushkarewicz.

We had several Representatives and Senators stop by. Several of them have already expressed support for COS while others are new to the legislature and we are hoping to bring them onboard with the COS Article V resolutions.

Unfortunately there were several events going on at the same time on the evening of the 12th within Legislative Hall so the legislators had to squeeze in a quick visit to our reception between other events they were attending. 

We learned that there is no such thing as a typical day in the DE legislature because meetings can be called at a moment's notice and other meetings can go on much longer than anticipated. But we are very glad for those who took the time to join us.

We also got several petitions signed by those who worked at the restaurant. One of the staff was so excited about COS that she called her grandparents right away and got them to sign as well.

We had a nice time with the legislators and with one another and are looking forward to filing the Convention of States Article V resolution in the Delaware legislature this year. We are grateful that several members of our Delaware legislature see the need for a Convention of States.

Our COS proposed amendments include term limits for both elected and appointed officials in D.C., reining in the power of the federal legislature, and limiting federal spending. To learn more and sign the petition, go to Convention of States

We would love to have you join our great Delaware team as we fight to return the decision making power of our country back to the states so that it once again falls in the hands of “We the People”. 

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