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Convention of States!


Help Wanted: Events Coordinator

Published in Blog on August 16, 2022 by Sharon Correll

Are you good at planning and organizing?

Do you enjoy being in the know about what's going on in your community?

Do you like being part of a team and helping make things happen?

If your answer is yes, the Convention of State Delaware Team needs you! We have an urgent need for someone to fill the role of Events Coordinator. You could take on this role for your county or for the entire state.

The job involves the following tasks:

  • Using resources such as web sites, newspapers, social media, and personal contacts to locate community opportunities for promoting Convention of States: fairs, parades, gun shows, car shows, etc.
  • Interacting with the COS team leadership and community event organizers to schedule COS participation;
  • Leading the planning of special team events such as rallies or town hall meetings; and
  • Ensuring the availability of materials and equipment—tables, signs, literature, food—whatever is needed!

As an events coordinator, you will fill a crucial role in helping the Convention of States team enlarge our presence in the state and share our message of liberty and self-governance with fellow Delawareans!

Click here to apply today!

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