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Crazytown DC: Dem rep reaches out to psychologists to discuss Trump's mental state

Published in Blog on December 05, 2017 by Convention of States Project

In today's most hilarious instance of the pot calling the kettle black, a Democratic Representative from California has reached out to professional psychologists to discuss Trump's mental health.

The Hill reports:

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) is reaching out to psychologists to discuss President Trump.

“It’s one thing from my non-professional, non-clinical standpoint [to] believe that someone does not have the capacity to do the job," she told BuzzFeed News.

"It’s another thing to talk to experts and [those] who can deal with mental psychosis on a daily basis, so I wanted to hear from them."

The California Democrat told the news outlet that she has spoken with two professionals, including John Gartner, a psychologist who founded Duty to Warn. The group, made up of mental health experts, says Trump is "deeply and dangerously psychologically disordered."

How can the President be expected to "drain the swamp" in this kind of environment? The swamp monsters in D.C. are more powerful than ever, and the President has yet to secure a major legislative victory.

That's why the people -- acting through their state legislatures -- must call and convene the first-ever Article V Convention of States. A Convention of States can drain the swamp without ever setting foot inside the beltway. Convention delegates have the power to propose constitutional amendments that limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints on Congress, and mandate term limits for federal officials.



Photo: CNN 

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