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Covington, Louisiana says "Geaux COS" at local Town Hall

Published in Blog on August 23, 2021 by Julie Sandifer

        (left to right) Penny Quinn (Vol), Julie Sandifer (SGC), Jeanine Gautreaux (Vol), and Susan Ooms (DC)

Be careful when you suggest an idea to spread the word about Convention of States. Someone just may suggest that you make it happen. 

COS Louisiana Volunteer Jeanine Gautreaux read in the “Weekly Round-up” about communities holding town halls to share Convention of States’ Article V project with people in their areas. When she mentioned it to her DC, Jennifer Carignan, she wasn’t ready for the response she got - “That is a good idea, and I think you are just the person to do it.” 


Jeanine’s first reaction was, “I don’t know how to organize anything like that. I wouldn’t even know where to start.” After some encouragement from her DC, she reluctantly decided to do it. 

Amazingly, things just started to come together. She called on some local COS volunteers who were happy to help. Her hairdresser just happened to know of a large venue where the event could be held - the local American Legion Hall. The COS speakers she invited were all available on the chosen date: Jennifer Carignan (Regional Captain), Dale Clary (Legislative Liaison Team Member), and Julie Sandifer (State Grassroots Coordinator).


Advertisement for the Town Hall included 300 printed fliers, the Covington weekly e-letter, an ad in the newspaper, an email blast from COS, and social media. 

The night of the Town Hall was rainy, but that did not keep the people from coming. There were 125 people in attendance. Half of that number signed the petition, and 18 people indicated their desire to volunteer. Some even suggested holding such meetings on a monthly basis.

                                                                                                                   DC Don Maddox, DC and Janet Maddox, Volunteer

As a result of the Town Hall, many more people in the Covington area know about COS and have become volunteers and supporters.  An additional result is that COS Louisiana gained a new District Captain in Jeanine Gautreaux who wants to do her part to make sure the grassroots army in Covington continues to grow.

NOTE: Geaux means "GO", as in "Geaux Tigers!" when cheering on the LSU Fighting Tigers and borrowing from Louisiana's French heritage.


Louisiana State Videographer, Michael Maples

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