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Convention of States!

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Countless Reasons for Convention of States

Published in Blog on December 01, 2021 by Jay Taylor

There are countless reasons I want to see a Convention of States happen.

If you don’t think our federal government has grown too big and has too much say in our lives, you might not like freedom. Seeing how big and nearly impossible to defeat our federal government has become was a huge influence for me to get involved with Convention of States. Those with power will never willingly give it up, but luckily our founding fathers knew this also and gave us this great tool to help pull the power away.

When I see all the things that the new politically correct culture wants to teach my children in their attempt to indoctrinate them, it greatly upsets me. We should be allowed to raise our children as we see fit, not how the state sees fit.

It is shocking to see trillions of dollars that our government doesn’t have being spent in the name of stimulus, infrastructure, or other feel-good buzz words. Requiring the federal government to live in a budget will not only be good for the future of our county, but the economy in general. We thrive best in a fair competitive free market. This coupled with our ability to limit not only the terms of elected officials, but also bureaucrats will help ensure that we can right size government instead of having a ruling government class.  

I really have a hard time thinking of an Amendment that limits the power of the federal government that would be bad. But we are certainly seeing what an out of control ever power-hungry centralized government is looking like. And I don’t like it.

Please visit Convention of States to sign the petition and learn how to volunteer your skill sets to save our US Constitution for ourselves and our posterity.

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