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Could "Brexit" happen here? Mark Levin thinks it could

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

The United Kingdom took a stand for freedom and sovereignty last month by voting to leave the European Union. Now some American leaders are wondering if it isn’t time for the United States to make a similar move via an Article V Convention of States.

Mark Levin made the comparison on a recent episode of his radio show, explaining how a Convention of States could put the decision-making power back in the hands of the people.

“[T]hey broke away because they wanted their sovereignty,” Levin said. “This would be akin to us embracing Article Five, embracing convention of the states, and saying to the people in Washington, D.C., ‘No, you don’t get to make these decisions. We get to make these decisions.’”

Click here to listen to the full segment. Here's the transcript:

“Sovereignty. Sovereignty.

“We have to defend our Constitution from politicians who attempt to confer our constitutional powers on international organizations, the U.N. and a whole long list.

“Global governance is what we reject, not capitalism.

“You know who else rejects capitalism? The European Union. You know who else rejects capitalism? Barack Obama. You know who else rejects capitalism? Every fascistic, communist, statist regime on the face of the earth.

“And do you know why they reject capitalism? Because capitalism is the antidote to centralized government.

“It’s true.

“If you support capitalism, you’re not a globalist. You’re a believer in freedom, a believer in freedom.

“The E.U., the Left in our country, the Left in every country, the Left in Britain—let’s not pretend Britain all the sudden is a republic, free of all the tangling, all the tangle from bureaucracy and all that. No, it’s a socialist country. They have socialist healthcare. They have their own problems.

“But they broke away because they wanted their sovereignty. This would be akin to us embracing Article V, embracing convention of the states, and saying to the people in Washington, D.C., ‘No, you don’t get to make these decisions. We get to make these decisions.’”

More and more Americans are agreeing with Levin. Hundreds of thousands have joined the effort to call a Convention of States that would allow the people and the states to reclaim their rightful place in American politics.

An Article V Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that limit the power of the federal government, return power to the states and the people, and restore the balance between national and state governments that the Founders intended.


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