The Convention of States Veterans Coalition had its first ever event at the VFW in Casper, Wyoming, on November 18, 2017.
Texas State Senator Brian Birdwell, who is a Gulf War veteran and September 11th Pentagon survivor, was the keynote speaker.
Using military analogies Senator Birdwell gave a very enlightening presentation about how far our federal government has strayed from the Founders' intent.
Initially a skeptic of the Convention of States, Senator Birdwell now champions the cause and was instrumental in getting the COS resolution passed in Texas.
Wyoming State House Representative (District 1) Tyler Lindholm, who is a Navy veteran and supporter of the Convention of States Project, graciously attended the event and gave us an update on the Convention of States in Wyoming.
Regional Director Paul Hodson gave an overview of the battlefield in the region and the country, while Wyoming State Director Rod Geil and Veterans Co-ordinator Ken Miech launched the event with introductory speeches.
This event was organized by COS Wyoming Grassroots Coordinator Diane Schuricht.
Knowing the nature of human beings our Founders predicted the government might go astray and inserted a fail safe, in the form of Article V, into our Constitution. Will we have the courage to use it?
For Texas that was a big HOOAH! Senator Birdwell gave some great insights that Wyoming can draw on in our effort to echo that Hooah.
Although it is unlikely that the COS resolution will be presented during the 2018 budget session, that doesn't stop us from contacting our Senators and Representatives now to let them know we are up for the battle and support the resolution.
As Representative Lindholm said, it makes a big difference when a constituent contacts you personally.