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Grassroots army sends COS Texas leader to DisneyWorld!

Published in Blog on December 13, 2017 by Paul Hodson

Tamara Colbert is going to DisneyWorld this week, along with her husband John, and their twin sons, Derek and Deacon.

Tamara is as giddy as a school girl about this vacation. And not just because of where she’s going (though she loves all things Disney, her family has never been to DisneyWorld), or who she’s going with (and she definitely loves her family).

No, Tamara can’t stop expressing her gratitude for those who are sending her on this vacation – her extended family, the Convention of States Texas grassroots army. Every time she mentions her upcoming trip, she immediately heaps praise and thanks upon this army of volunteers.

If you’ve followed the Convention of States movement for any length of time, you’re aware of Tamara Colbert.

She began her time with the Convention of States movement at its onset, in August 2013. And true to her own larger-than-life personality, she took on a lot of responsibilities from the very beginning.

She serves as the National Media Coordinator for Convention of States. You know all of those national media interviews (Fox, MSNBC, OAN) with Mark Meckler, Senator Tom Coburn, and Senator Jim DeMint?

Tamara schedules all of those.

And now she’s training state-led teams to replicate her skills within their states! Public Relations is her vocation, and there’s no one better on the planet. Convention of States is blessed to have her in our fold for this critical tip of the spear in our movement.

Maybe you’ve seen her Facebook Live broadcasts of #ConstitutionalCoffee. These Thursday morning broadcasts are an inspiration for many across the nation, as Tamara describes the Founders’ solution in Article V in the animated manner which only she can provide. 

For those who know Tamara through her national work, you realize the blessing she is to our movement.

But that wasn’t enough for Tamara. She also took on the daunting task of State Director for Texas, arguably the most influential constitutionally conservative state in our nation, and a lynchpin for the Convention of States movement.

Tamara’s previous experience in the Tea Party movement, (in California, of all places), gave her great insight on motivating and inspiring the grassroots.

And inspired they were! Following the learning experience of the 2015 Texas Legislative Session when the COS resolution died an agonizing death in the Senate State Affairs committee, the COS Texas team, under Tamara’s guidance, not only didn’t miss a beat, but exploded in growth as she used that experience to fuel the brushfires of liberty in the grassroots army.

The Texas grassroots grew from 20,000 supporters in June of 2015 to just over 100,000 by the beginning of the 2017 Legislative Session.

It’s the grassroots in Texas who have come to not just know, but love Tamara for her relentless commitment to liberty, her self-sacrificing example of self-governance, and her God-inspired sense of true humility as a servant leader.

So, on June 3, 2017, on the porch steps of the Governor’s Mansion in Texas, the Convention of States Texas grassroots presented Tamara and her family just a small token of their appreciation: an all-expense paid vacation to DisneyWorld!

Many Convention of States Texas volunteers generously donated to make this happen - their donations are an expression from their hearts, not their pocket books.

God bless you Tamara, John, Deacon, and Derek.

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